
更新时间:2019-06-05    来源:新概念英语    手机版     字体:



 一、may作“可以”解,表示许可;否定式是must not(不准)或may not (不可)

  1.They may wait to get on-line.他们可以等待上网。

  2.You must not do this experiment without reading carefully through (或over) the instructions.你没有仔细读完说明书,决不准你做这个实验。

  二、may 作“或许”、“也许”解,表示可能性;否定式 may not 作“也许不”、“或许不”讲

  1.It may be about three o’clock.现在大概三点钟。

  2.It may not take too much time to build two-bedroom economy houses. 建造 带有两间卧室的经济房也许花费不了太多时间。


  Cables are usually laid underground that their life may be prolonged. 电缆通常铺设在地下,为的是延长使用期限。


  We must fulfill our task,however difficult it may be.无论我们的任务如何艰巨,我们 一定要完成它。


  1.If he arrives here,he may come to help us.如果他到达这里,他也许来帮助我们。(真实条件句)

  2.he should need this home computer,he may use.如果他万一需要这台家用计算机,他可以使用它。(假设句)


  1.They may have left yesterday.他们可能昨天已走了。

  【注】若上句用 might (或could)代替 may,则句义变为“他本来是可以(或能够)昨天走的[但实际他昨天没走]“。必须注意这些用法的差别。

  a.“What ever has happened to Mary?”甲:“玛丽究竟出什么事啦?”

  b.“I don’t know,She may have got lost.”乙:“我不知道。她也许迷路了。”

  七、“may well + 动词”和“and well + 主语 + may”用法举例在本句型中 well 按 with good reason (有充分理由) 或 reasonably (有理地) 去理解,就易于记住本句型用法

  He may well be proud of his success.他有理由为他的成功而自豪。

  【注】注意“may + 动词 + well”和“may well + 动词”的意思不同:She may study well.她也许觉得很好。

  八、“主语 + may as well + 动词 + 比喻体 + as + 动词原形 + 本体”用法。这是比较特殊的连接比喻的方式,一般可译为“不妨”或“不如”,含消极口吻,不如would rather...(宁愿......)或had better...(......)具有积极语气

  She may just as well go home as not.她是回家去。

  注意有时省略后面 as 引导的从句,这时 may as well 相当于had better 的用法。例如:

  We may as well set out on our travels.我们出发去旅行。


