
更新时间:2023-09-26    来源:翻译    手机版     字体:


第一篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

It is very hot and wet today and is called sauna weather.Duringdid the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty.I told her I could help her and she accepted.After cooking,we were all sweaty .However, and I all felt happy. She said I was growing up and beca her good assistant.这是非常炎热和潮湿的今天,被称为桑拿天气。在我妈妈没有做饭的厨房,我看到她的头部很漂亮。我告诉她,我可以帮助她,她接受。经过烹饪,我们都汗流浃背。然而,(Motivational del yuedu.pang)妈妈和我都感到高兴。她说,我的成长过程,并成为她的"好助手。

第二篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

The star in the sky were twinkling.Some were crowded,and others were separate.Then I found the stars were not the same color.There were many colors,white,gray,light blue,orange,and so on.It was really beautiful.At that time,the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright diamonds.星星在空中闪烁。有些挤在一起,另外一些零零落落。接着,我发现了一些不同颜色的星星。它们的颜色各异,白色的.,灰色的,天蓝色的,橙色等等。真是太美了。那时的天空就像是由无数闪亮的钻石装饰而成的蓝色锦缎。Looking up the sky,I saw the moon.It was like a naughty child.Sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds, it seemsed to play“hide and seek”with me.The stars around the moon,however,were as girls,hiding themselves in the clouds.望着天空,我看见月亮。它就像个淘气的孩子。它时而藏在云朵后面时而又露面,仿佛正在和我玩躲迷藏。星星围绕着月亮,怎么说呢,她们都像女孩子,把自己藏在云朵后。Oh,what a beautiful sky!哦,多么美丽的天空!

第三篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

This Sundayther (Mother) had (de)takelittle young brother to the a trip to the country. She badetake good care of hiWhile we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers sle (sling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful)。When we felt tired, we returned ho. We saw Mother (our ther) wait (waiting) for us at the door.星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。当我们沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着。我们看见美丽的花儿对我们微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽。当我们感觉到疲倦的时候,我们就回家,看见妈妈在门前等候。

第四篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

前几天,我在小区楼下种下了一棵香椿树。第二天我给它浇了水。我每天放学都去看看它。有一天放学,我又去看我的香椿树,可是我种树的地方变得光秃秃的,香椿树苗不见了,不知道被哪个调皮的.小朋友给拔了,我很难过!看来不能在楼下种树了。A few days ago, I planted a Chinese toon tree downstairs. I watered it the next day. I go to see it every day after school. One day after school, I went to see my Chinese toon tree again, but the place where I planted the tree became bare, the Chinese toon tree seedlings disappeared, I don"t know which naughty children pulled them out, I"m very sad! It seems that we can"t plant trees downstairs.我只好和妈妈一起去买了一包粉红色茶花凤仙种子和两包小黄瓜种子。回到家,我们挑了漂亮花盆,里面装满营养土,把种子埋在花盆里。怕它冻着我给花盆外面还套了一个塑料袋,就像一个暖暖的透明小花房。我跟小种子说,你要快快发芽、快快长大,我会每天来看你的I had to go with my mother to buy a pack of pink Camellia Impatiens seeds and two packs of cucumber seeds. When we got home, we picked a beautiful flowerpot filled with nutritious soil and buried the seeds in the flowerpot. I"m afraid it"s freezing. I put a plastic bag on the outside of the flowerpot, just like a warm transparent flower house. I told little seed, you need to sprout and grow up quickly. I will come to see you every day.

第五篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

  Today, I play at the park together with cousin and we played pirate ship.Lead a mountain car etc. breathtaking game.Then we again go to dozen table tennis, although I isn"t good at to play table tennis still have lots of fun very satisfactory.But night of the color of the sky we have to go home, but today we still play of very happy!!!


第六篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

  Tomorrow is New Year"s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for two days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were!


第七篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

  I have a dream, is to be a teacher, I hold the view that a teacher is a very glorious thing, I like to teach people to learn to write, I can educate my students to do a useful, and I was their good friend, I can feel so accomplished, I shall also very happy. So I want to be a teacher


第八篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

Today, I aalso very busy. Morning, I do household chores at ho to helpther, I would like to sweep again, the sweat haired. At noon, I saw “Journey to the West”, which is a very very good-looking classic dra. I like to watch froan early age, it is now very fond of. I like the Monkey King. I was 3 years old when the st like hi I think he should isfirst idol.今天我很忙也很累。早上,我在家帮妈妈干家务活,我先扫地再拖地,满头大汗。中午,我看了《西游记》,这是一部非常好看非常经典的电视剧。我从小就喜欢看,现在还是很喜欢。我最喜欢孙悟空了。我在3岁的时候就最喜欢他,我想,他应该是我的第一个偶像。

第九篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary.In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one`s health, and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running at five o`clock in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play pingpong with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I hope I will be a singer and a violinist① when I grow up. In order to attain these goals②,I go to the teacher`s home for a lesson every Saturday, and practise singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy.Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. When I grow up, I will serve the people with the knowledge I have learned from them翻译我有很多爱好,比如运动、唱歌、拉小提琴和写日记。在学校里,我经常听到体育老师说,运动有益于健康,使人长寿。所以,我非常喜欢体育运动。我早上五点跑步,下午放学后跑步。我和朋友们打乒乓球。这些运动使我保持健康。在家里,我喜欢唱歌和拉小提琴。我希望我长大后能成为一名歌手和小提琴手。为了达到这些目标,我每星期六都去老师家上课,每天练习唱歌和拉小提琴。虽然我很忙,但我很快乐。在我所有的爱好中,我最喜欢读书。在我的卧室里有将近六百本书。有故事书、教科书、杂志等。当我长大了,我会用我从他们身上学到的知识为人民服务。

第十篇: 周记英语70字带翻译

Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I can"t give you the exact definition of it, but I"m sure if you love and help others, you"ll get it.I"ll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. It"s said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.But I"m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others" shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.内容:有人问什么,我在地球上幸福的手段?我不能给你它的确切定义,但我敢肯定,如果你爱和帮助别人,你就会得到它。我永远不会忘记一个老太太。她住在一个小房子里。它说,她的丈夫和儿子在一次交通事故中死亡。如何她的生活是苦!但老太太经常帮助别人的微笑。每逢下雪,她总是第一个清洁的路径。她照顾几个孩子居住在附近。我是其中之一。我常常记得的故事告诉我们,她和她的一种微笑。也许她是不走运,但我认为她是一个快乐的人。她的生活充满了欢笑和爱。但我很伤心,看到有些人让他们在恶劣ways.They幸福大声说话,在电*和会议室,他们摧毁的树木享受自己和他们在别人的缺点笑。也许他们认为在当时很高兴,但他们永远不会得到真正的幸福,因为他们已经失去了他们的个性。现在我知道什么是幸福。这意味着善良,爱和无私。总之,只有造福于其他人可以让你自己明白这一点。

