
更新时间:2010-11-30    来源:翻译    手机版     字体:




1. I forgot the license plate. 车牌号我记不清了。

2. Let me check the metre out 让我查看下计价器。

3. There"s a taxi stand up ahead. 前面就有出租汽车站。

4. In America, they usually tip taxi drivers. 在美国,人们一般要给出租车司机小费。

5. Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare. 我和你分摊计程车费吧。

6. Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights. 开慢点,我可以欣赏一下景色。

7. Don"t let those grasping taxi drivers overcharge you. 别让那些贪心的出租车司机多收你的钱。

8. As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi. 一我就跳进了一辆出租车。

9. The taxi didn"t go by the direct route, but in a roundabout way. 出租车没有走直路,而是绕道而行。

10. We were whisked off in a taxi before we knew where we were. 我们还没弄明白是在哪儿,就被计程车载走了。

