
更新时间:2010-07-09    来源:英语口语    手机版     字体:



★本站英语口语频道为网友整理的《西餐厅常用英语口语情景对话》,供大家参考学习。   Have you got a table for two, please?   请问您有两个人的桌子吗??   Have you booked a table?   您预定餐桌了吗?   Have you made a reservation?   您预定了吗?   smoking or non-smoking?   吸烟区还是非吸烟区?   Would you like something to drink? 您想喝什么?   Would you like to see the menu? 您需要看菜单吗?   订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即 to book a table 和 make a reservation。在英国以及其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。   Expression 表达   Excuse me, could I see the menu, please?   打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?   Are you ready to order?   您现在可以点餐吗?   first course   第一道菜   main course   主菜   dessert   甜食   Could I have the bill, please?   请拿账单来,好吗?   How would you like to pay?   请问您怎样付款?   在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,最后一道是甜食——或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。   Conversation In A Restaurant 餐厅里的对话   Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant   休正在餐厅点餐   a few moments later   (过了一会儿)   Emma: one sparkling water   埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。   Hugh: Thanks very much   休:谢谢!   Emma: Are you ready to order?   埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗?   Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.   休:是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么?   Emma: That"s minestrone, is that all right sir?   埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?   Hugh: Yeah, that"s fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?   休:可以。好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?   Emma: Chicken.   埃玛:…鸡肉…   Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please   休:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。   Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?   埃玛:…煮土豆。好的。   Hugh: Thanks very much.   休:谢谢!   Emma: OK.   埃玛:好的。

