
更新时间:2023-11-21    来源:托福    手机版     字体:


第一篇: 托福考试1028托福独立写作










In the last a few decades, people’s requirements on food have experienced a series of changes. When the problem of food scarcity has been solved, people are on the way to improve the taste, such as by innovating cooking method. But today, a new problem associated with food emerges: the decline of quality.

To begin with, as we are accustomed to the mass production of food and believe in its benefits of feeding large population, we cannot overlook the fact that some of the food we have today is actually not as nutritious as before. To meet the huge demand of food, scientists and food producers, including farmers and factories, have adopted a series of scientific methods to boost output, such as widely applying fertilizers in fields and raising large numbers of livestocks in cages. Though the benefits are undeniable, the products actually contain fewer nutrients due to the factitious changes of their natural growth. With shortened lifecycle, both crops and livestocks have not enough time to accumulate nutrients. Therefore, wealthy people today would like to pay a higher price for so-called organic food, food produced in natural ways, which actually is what all people had in the past.

Secondly, pollution is another factor influencing food quality. The rapid industrial development has generated pollution of different degrees in many areas and regions around the world. Pollution knows no boundary: the uncontrollable movement of water and wind carries pollutants worldwide. For instance, the burning of coals containing high percentage of sulphur in one place releases sulphide and cause acid rains in a much larger areas. Continuously, the contaminated rains pollute soils that they fall on and rivers that they flow into. Unavoidably, many plants and animals living in a contaminated environment contain more or less elements harmful to people’s health. Currently, one of the most seriously affected sources of food is seafood, mainly due to the discharge of sewage along the coast. As a result, many kinds of heavy metals deposited in fish, shrimps, crabs and oysters are taken by people. All these are hidden threats to people’s health. The alarming problem of food contamination makes people recall the old time when there was no pollution.

To sum up, although the constantly improving of living standards may convince us that we have better food today than in the past, there are in fact new concerns on food quality: less nutrition but more pollution.


Many people believe that food in the past were better for people’s health than food today.


The food we eat today is much healthier than that we ate in the past.


第二篇: 托福考试1028托福独立写作

One day after work last month, I had to climb stairs to the sixth floor, as the elevator of the building broke down. I clearly remembered how tired and breathless I was when I finally arrived at home. This experience reminds me the importance of exercises in keeping healthy and the necessity to increase the amount of exercises.

In the first place, the lack of exercises is the direct factor that contributes to the worsening of health condition. Under great pressure of work, I almost spend most of my time in the office and get used to work overtime. Arriving at home, I usually feel too tired to cook, let along doing exercises. The entertainment after work and during weekends seems only watching television, surfing on the Internet, or chatting with friends on the phone. The busy schedule of work squeezes my time of doing sports and contributes to the firming of my sedentary lifestyle. As a result, I become increasingly reluctant to do sports and avoid activities that need body strength. It is not surprising that both the health condition and stamina declines.

In the second place, to increase the amount of sports daily is an easy task. The simplest but most effective approach is to take a break every two hours while working. Sitting in front of the computer for long, I usually feel soar in the neck and shoulders, which must be the signal given by the body. Some of my colleagues told me that the symptoms can be alleviated by simply sparing few minutes to take a cup of coffee in the restroom and stretch arms and legs. Also from the perspective of a doctor, it takes effect in improving blood circulation. In addition, I am thinking of climbing stairs instead of taking elevators. I remember when I visited a doctor last time, he told me that every single step we climb will help us increase lifespan for seven seconds. Finally, my one year membership with the fitness club near my office will due soon, but I have not visited it for months. What a pity! It is time to spare at least half an hour per day after work to make good use of my membership. In fact, to make those changes come true does not take too much time or energy.

In the third place, personally, changing foods and releasing pressure are not good options. I am not the one who cooks in the family, so it is not me to decide the menu of the day. Moreover, there are not many choices available for lunch near my office. The one hour break only allows me to grab some fast food, such as hamburgers and pizzas. In fact, the pressure from work now is necessary for me to further improve professional skills, which are vital for promotion. As a new employee of the present company, I should work hard and strive to be a valuable member. So, stress relief is not feasible.

In a nutshell, I will spend more time on doing sports to improve health. It is not only because doing exercises is simple and effective, but also because it is the major factor causing my potential health problem.


Out of the three things, which one would youprefer to regulate in order to improve your health?

1. The kind of food you eat

2. The amount of exercise

3. The amount of stress in your life


第三篇: 托福考试1028托福独立写作









Do you agree or disagree with the statement: students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


The freedom of expression is a fundamental right enshrined in Constitution, including people’s political opinions. In fact, people in democratic countries are encouraged to participate in politics, especially votes. Today,even the young generation, students, also show more interest in politics than in the past.

In the first place, teachers today play a more important role in helping students to form their political opinions than before. Nowadays, it is free for teachers to express their political opinions in the class and many of them would like to share their thoughts with students. Teachers can organize group discussion on political issues by which they expect to inspire students to think, develop critical thinking, improve communication and negotiation skills, and learn to tolerate people holding different or even opposite perspectives. For example, when the government banned the free plastic bags in supermarkets, my nephew’s teacher used to lead them to discuss the pros, like reducing white pollution, and cons, like increasing the sales of plastic rubbish bags. But in the past, teachers were merely encouraged to focus on students’ academic study due to the pressure of standard tests.

In the second place, thanks to the propaganda of mass media and the connection of Internet, it is easier for students to acquire information on politics, to openly discuss politics and even to take part in political events. Actually, politicians are clear how important it is for their party to win support from young generation who will become their determined backers or bitter opponents in the following decades. Thus, there is propaganda of various forms targeting students, such as speeches on campus, slogans on billboards and discussion on Internet. Students, captured by politicians’ points and the bombast of media, will join the discussion and events. Take the presidential election as an instance. Most candidates would arrange their visit to universities where they give speeches and explain the policies they will follow, especially those closely related to students’ interests. Also, politicians are adept in how to lead opinions on social media, like Facebook and Twitter. However, students in the past had limited access to political information and no platform to have their voice heard.

To sum up, it is obvious that students are more interested in politics than before because of teachers’ guidance and power of propaganda.

本文作者: Cindy(公众号:英文写作素材)

第四篇: 托福考试1028托福独立写作









Many filmmakers make movies based on books. some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. which one do you prefer?



Since the invention of movies about one century ago, general publics have shown extraordinary passion and enthusiasm on this way of entertainment. It is very common to find a cinema crowded with audiences coming to watch the newly launched movie starring their idols or telling a story written by a famous author. In my mind, if possible, it is more meaningful for people to read the book on which the movie is produced before going to the theater.

Admittedly, without reading the book in advance, audiences still can fully enjoy the movies. For modern citizens, time is a commonly mentioned excuse: they are too busy to spare enough time to read. As study and work has occupied most of their time, they feel even not enough time to have a rest. Also, thanks to the improvement of movie making techniques and directors’ skills, audiences usually regard watching movies as a better way to enjoy a story. For example, the movie of The Great Gatsby lasts about two hours, starring Leonardo and boasting fantastic party scenes. But, it costs people months to finish reading the book.

However, for great works of famous authors, it is definitely worthy for people to read books before watching movies. To begin with, the reading of the original story enables us to have better understanding of the movie and to assess the movie more objectively. By reading books beforehand, audiences have more information on backgrounds of events and personalities of characters. This allows people to judge whether the director and actors are successful in telling the story. Even, some authors’works are by nature very challenging for directors to film. With huge efforts, the movie is still obscure and abstruse. Without reading the book, it is unfair for audiences disappointed by the movie to criticize the author. Take Here the Wind Sing written by Haruki Murakami as an example. If audiences haven’t read the book before, they can hardly understand those behaviors of Japanese young adults and be bored by insipid trivial matters in the movie.

Secondly, the reading of the book in advance allows audiences to be more critical while watching the movie. It is unavoidable that people may have divergent interpretation of the book. Bearing in mind the story, we are able to examine whether the movie will strike a chord in our heart or enlighten us with different revelation. Especially for die-hard fans, to watch a movie based on a book of their beloved author is just like to have a discussion with the director and actors on the contents or even details. Take the movie Into the White Night based on the book of Higashino Keigo as an example. The author is very successful in depicting criminals’ mental activities and creating conflicts, while the movie emphasizes much on cruel criminal activities to catch eyeballs. By reading the original story, we even can assess whether the actor and actress is successful in shaping characters.

To sum up, although watching movies without reading original books saves people much time, it is actually much more enjoyable to read in advance.

本文作者: Cindy(公众号:英文写作素材)

