
更新时间:2015-09-30    来源:成人英语三级    手机版     字体:





a moving truck 正在移动的汽车(moving为现在分词,与truck有主谓关系)

a moving truck 搬家汽车(moving为动名词,说明truck的用途)

a hunting dog 正在猎物的狗(hunting为现在分词,与dog有主谓关系)

a hunting dog 猎狗(hunting为动名词,说明dog的用途)



(1) 表时间:

Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off. 见到猫,老鼠就跑了。

The work finished, he went home. 工作做完后,他就回家了。

(2) 表原因:

Being very weak, she couldn’t move. 她由于身体虚弱而不能行动。

His car broken down, he had to walk. 他的车坏了,所以只好走路。

Much discouraged,she moved on to London. 她很沮丧,搬到了伦敦。

(3) 表条件:

United, we stand; divided, we fall. 团结则存,*则亡。

Given more time, we could have done it better. 如果多给点时间,我们可以做得更好。

Working hard, you will succeed. 如果努力工作,你就可以成功。

Adding them all up, we can find the answer. 如果把它们加起来,我们就可以得到答案。

(4) 表让步:

Although living miles away, he attended the course. 虽然住在几英里以外,他仍去上课。

Defeated, he remained a popular boxer. 虽然被击败了,他仍是一个受欢迎的拳击手。

(5) 表方式:

He earns a living driving a truck. 他靠开卡车谋生。

I"m returning you letter as requested. 我按要求给你退信。

(6) 表伴随:

He sat in the chair reading newspapers. 他坐在椅子上看报。

Don"t you sit there doing nothing. 别什么也不干坐在那里。

He came in, followed by his wife. 他走了进来,后面跟着他的妻子。

(7) 表结果:

He fired, killing one of the passers-by. 他开枪了,打死了一个过路人。

He died, leaving his wife with five children. 他死了,留下他妻子和五个孩子。

It rained and rained, vehicles bogged and bridges washed out. 雨不停地下,车辆陷入泥沼,桥梁被水冲去。

